LCJC Speaker Nomination


How do I nominate myself to speak?

The LCJC Planning Team is currently working on contacting speakers for each of the 6 thematic panels of the event – if you believe that you would bring something new and important to the discussion, you can apply to speak in the form found on this page! We ask that you fill out all relevant information and share a 3-5 minute video of yourself introducing your work and the topics you would like to discuss at the LCJC. This conference is meant to be a platform for underrepresented voices and we hope to ensure that all have equal access. 

Panel-Specific Information

Below are the descriptions for each of the thematic panels:

  • Youth and Public Mobilization
    • This dialogue between global policymakers and youth climate activists will focus on how to best amplify the voices of young people in their respective communities and ensure that youth voices are included in the development of climate justice initiatives and legislation. Beyond amplification, this panel amplifies the voices of youth who Discussions will center around how to create a “sustained and transparent dialogue at all levels between youth and decision-makers so that ideas generated by youth are both heard and implemented” (GYCAD section II, policy I).
  • Infrastructure, Cities, and Local Action
    • This panel, composed of local leaders and climate experts, will focus on the injustices that are exacerbated by infrastructure, urban planning, food and transportation systems. The heaviest burdens of climate change and environmental health inequities are often imposed on BIPOC and low income communities around the globe. This panel will explore how to transform cities and localities into hubs for climate justice through innovative urban planning, community development initiatives, and best practice policy solutions.
  • Industry Transition and Accountability + Energy Transition
    • This panel will focus on key recommendations for ensuring a feasible, just transition to renewable energy and more sustainable industrial practices. Panelists will explore the critical need for accountability in both the private and public sectors, “rejecting any unsustainable and extractive industries which put short-term gain over the wellbeing of people and nature” (GYCAD Section VIII, Policy V). 
  • Resilience and Adaptation + Nature-based solutions
    • This panel will focus on how Indigenous wisdom and climate action that is rooted in an understanding of Earth’s natural systems can best inform tangible, regenerative climate policy solutions. Discourse about socio-environmental challenges, such as land and water use, pollution, deforestation, land sovereignty, among others, will be central to this panel. Panelists will share their perspectives on sustainable land management, how to live in a reciprocal relationship with nature, and how to increase resilience in communities around the globe directly facing the devastation of climate change.
  • Mitigation + Climate Finance and Carbon Pricing
    • This panel will focus on strategies for initiating economy-wide deep decarbonization while both generating revenues that can be used to finance sustainable development and providing the incentives needed to mobilize the most cost-effective mitigation options. Panelists will explore the financial aspects of climate justice and how to ensure that those responsible for exacerbating climate change and damaging ecosystem services are held accountable. Panelists will discuss climate finance, carbon pricing, and how communities around the globe can move beyond GDP as a measure of wellbeing, towards a future that equally prioritizes socio-environmental wellbeing.
  • Capacity-building, Education, and Awareness
    • This panel will focus on the necessary skills, knowledge, and systems needed to equip communities around the globe with the tools to combat climate change. Speakers will explore case studies of inclusive, climate-oriented education as a tool for empowerment and meaningful, sustained action. In discussing capacity-building, this panel will conclude the LCJC with an emphasis on how to approach climate action in a way that is both just and intersectional, while centering the voices of historically underrepresented and systematically disadvantaged groups.

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to fill out and submit the Pre-Registration form to receive further correspondence regarding LCJC events, speakers, and co-sponsor organizations. 

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Nominate Yourself to Speak!