Vishal Jammulapati

Vishal Jammulapati is a rising senior at West High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. He Co-Founded and Co-Authored the Global Youth Climate Action Declaration (GYCAD) during the 2019 UN Climate Summit and worked to organize global GYCAD consultations to gather feedback and revise the document towards the end of 2019. He currently leads digital development and outreach for the GYCAD. He is a Lead Organizer for the GYCAD Core Team’s planning efforts for the Localizing Climate Justice Conference (LCJC) along with Nadine Clopton and hopes that the conference series acts as a catalyst for dialogue and inter-sector section to motivate youth to reach out directly to their policymakers and take a stand for climate justice. 

Vishal was the youngest member on the Planning Committee for the 68th annual United Nations Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City in 2019, organized community-based activities prior to the conference, organized a workshop on local homelessness, and worked with the Youth Sub-Planning Committee to draft and finalize the Youth Climate Compact (YCC) outcome document presented at the closing plenary. He hopes to further the conference’s themes of sustainability, diversity of thought, and inclusion through his work on the LCJC and within his local community. Vishal is president of his high school’s MUN team and loves learning languages, baking, and managing his food blog in his spare time.

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