GIMP est un éditeur d’images basé sur une plate-forme disponible pour Windows, OS X, GNU / Linux et la plupart des systèmes d’exploitation. C’est un logiciel gratuit, vous pouvez modifier son code source et diffuser vos modifications.
Le périmètre d’utilisation de GIMP en milieu professionnel est régulièrement revu ; souvent comparé et recommandé comme alternative possible à Adobe Photoshop. GIMP a les mêmes fonctionnalités que Photoshop, mais a une interface utilisateur différente.
Que vous soyez artiste, photographe, peintre ou scientifique, GIMP vous offre les derniers outils pour compléter votre travail. Vous pouvez augmenter votre productivité avec GIMP grâce à la pléthore d’options de personnalisation et de plugins pour d’autres personnages.
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Gestion des images de haute qualité
GIMP fournit les outils nécessaires pour une distorsion d’image avancée. De la retouche à la restauration en passant par les compositions créatives, la seule limite est votre imagination.
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Conception graphique originale
GIMP donne aux artistes la capacité et la flexibilité de transformer des images en créations uniques.
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Articles de conception graphique
GIMP est utilisé pour créer des icônes, des éléments de format d’image et de l’art pour les éléments d’interface utilisateur et les contrefaçons.
Dieses Programm zerstört Spyware unter Windows 7/8. Das Programm ist Open Source und befindet sich auf github. Dieses Programm zerstört die Intelligenz vollständig. Es entfernt einige Telemetriefunktionen, während andere ausgeschaltet sind, schließt Windows Defender, Cortana und vieles mehr aus. Die Software deaktiviert Updates für Windows, sodass Sie anonym bleiben und keine neuen Spyware-Updates erhalten. Löschen Sie Metro-Apps sind großartig, weil sie im Hintergrund laufen und Erinnerungen schlucken, und einige von ihnen spionieren Sie aus.
Außerdem blockiert das Programm die meisten Microsoft-IP-Adressen, bei denen es sich um Daten handelt, und fügt Hosts weitere Spyware hinzu.
Fast alle Anträge können nicht widerrufen und auch nach dem Systemwiederherstellungsbereich nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.
Es ist derzeit die effizienteste Software. Dieses Programm verbessert und erweitert die große Community von Windows 10-Benutzern, von denen einige helfen, Code effizienter zu schreiben und die Übersetzung von Software in andere Sprachen zu unterstützen.
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Picasa’s powerful, free photo editor is a useful free software for photography lovers. It acts as an image organizer and browser for managing and editing digital photos in a variety of ways. With easy-to-use Picasa image editing tools designed for beginners, you can enhance your images, remove red eyes, and correct contrast and color. Although Picasa has been canceled, is Picasa still available? Although now discontinued, Picasa is still available for download and offline use. Picasa was created by a company called Lifescape in 2002. In July 2004, Google bought Picasa and began offering it as free software. However, in February 2016, Google announced that it would no longer support Picasa Desktop and Web Albums. Picasa Web Albums, an associated service, closed in May (feature {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); However, Picasa is still available and works where it is already installed. It is fully compatible with Windows 10, although no new updates will be made. However, Picasa is no longer available online, so you can’t add or sync albums, or individual albums are available for Mac. Alternatives to Picasi As an alternative to Picasi, Google recommends that you use Google Photos to create albums, share images, edit images, and search for images. There are other options for Picasa. For a simple photo organizer, Fotobounce works well enough, although its interface is not exactly easy to use. FastStone Image Viewer is both an image viewer and an editor, although it does not have the latest Picasa editing functionality. Ribbet Photo Editor offers intuitive multi-platform image editing services. IrfanView provides efficient image viewing and photo editing (and batch editing), while ACDSee is a program for organizing, viewing, and editing images. For those who want more powerful image processing, Adobe Photoshop is one of the most advanced and popular image editing programs in the world. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, on the other hand, is simpler and easier to use, but still includes advanced tools. What can I do with Picasa? Picasa is easy to download and install with Windows settings. When you run the program, users can choose where Picasa imports images from their computer: choose to search only My Documents, My Pictures & Desktops, or search your entire computer. At this time, you can also enable Picasa Photo Viewer to view photos directly from Windows Explorer. The browser can open different file types, such as .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, .tga, .tif, and .TIFF, .webp, and .raw file extensions. Picasa also lets you choose the drive and folders you want to scan, and allows you to automatically sync every time you open the software. You do not need to import new images manually. Once your photos have been added to Picasa, they’ll be organized into albums that will appear in folders with the same name as the shots. You can rearrange and move photos from one place to another by simply dragging and dropping. Picasa also lets you tag photos so you can easily sort them, including where your photos were taken (though you now have to enter them manually). tooyou can tag people in photos to make them easy to find. Picasinola interface is quite simple and now it looks quite full and old-fashioned. You can easily change the way your photos are displayed and switch between the library view and the edit view (located in the View menu). The tabs of the interface separate the different projects from the library and import sections. Quick, Powerful, and Easy Editing Picasa is not specialized editing software, but it does offer an interesting set of features that you can use for basic editing, whether frame-by-frame, side-by-side, or batch-by-frame. Enhancements include trimming, smoothing, automatically adjusting light, color and contrast, improving sharpness, and correcting red-eye. You can also use fun and useful image processing options to apply filters. There are many fun filters available, all of which are completely customizable and make our photos look great. Picasa has very simple photo editing descriptions that appear when you hover over the icons, while full instructions for more complex tools, such as red-eye removal and retouching, appear in the toolbar of tools on the left side of the screen. It should be easy for beginners to take well-enhanced photos. Picasa has other built-in features so you can use your photos to create posters, collages, screensavers, and videos. In the Picasa era, you can even create a gift CD by selecting and burning images to a CD with a recorder. We liked Picasa’s intuitive functionality for creative projects. The program provides easy-to-follow instructions and we were able to quickly compose a video of our images by adding sound and basic transitions. We liked that it was easy to resize the video and adjust the length of the video to suit the sound. Finally, Picasa also includes some very useful options for duplicate and blank album detection and image compression software. Picasa is great for organizing. your photo album, making the first editions of your photos and creating fun projects like videos and collages. In addition to being free, Picasa is both a complete and easily accessible beauty. It doesn’t offer many advanced options, but the editing tool is easy to use and fully customizable for users who want some flexibility. Its interface is intuitive and allows instant access to all functions of the program. Less experienced users will benefit from the extensive help built into the software to better understand its features and how to use them.